Niagara’s Best Summer Hiking Trails

cpblog3One of Niagara’s most appealing features is its natural beauty. The Niagara escarpment which encompasses the entire region creates some impressive geographical features, including the famous falls.

While there is more than enough to keep you occupied while you’re in town, there are times when you may want to get a big dose of nature, and a hike is a great way to satisfy that craving. You’ll have your pick of many local parks and hiking trails, all of which will give you beautiful views of the stunning landscape.

On your next vacation to Niagara Falls consider one of these hiking trails to experience Niagara at its best.

Devil’s Hole State Park

Located on the New York side of the falls, Devil’s Hole State Park is one of the best places for a leisurely hike that’s suitable for most skill levels. One of the best features of this hike is that you can hike down to the river and witness the full power of the Niagara River.

The park also features picnic tables, scenic overlooks, and is a popular fishing area. Leashed pets are allowed and in the winter this is also a popular area for cross country skiing and snowshoeing.

Whirlpool State Park

Also on the New York side of the river is Whirlpool State Park. The hiking trails here connect to those at Devil’s Hole State Park but, unfortunately, the access by stairs to the river is currently closed for construction and will remain closed until the end of July according to the State Park’s website.

However, the upper trails are still open and make for a great day spent outside in the beautiful scenery. Perfect for families this park also offers playgrounds, picnic tables, and biking trails to enjoy. Leashed pets are permitted.

cpblog4Niagara Glen Nature Reserve

Designated as a nature reserve in 1992, Niagara Glen is one of the most popular areas for hiking on the Canadian side of the river. The hiking trails here are a bit more challenging than the other two parks mentioned, so proper footwear and a reasonable fitness level are musts.

One of the highlights of this area is the overlook to the famous Niagara River whirlpool which is reached via the River Path. There are several other trails to choose from, all with their own unique features. As this is a nature preserve it is forbidden to take anything, including rocks, plants, or flowers.

Niagara Falls Discovery Center

If you prefer guided hikes or indoor nature centers then the Niagara Falls Discovery Center is the place or you. Serving as a hub of sorts for the other state parks on the New York side of the river, the Niagara Falls Discovery Center features an interactive display related to the river and the falls, a theater offering educational videos, and a climbing wall.

From here you can reach a number of hiking trails on your own or with a guide. Be sure to pay close attention to information regarding each trail; some trails are more difficult and have an age restriction for young hikers.

No matter which hike you choose you’ll be able to see the natural beauty of the Niagara area in all its glory. So choose a day, pack some water and food, and get out and explore Niagara in a whole new way.